Gaming Guide 1954

Westerner 1954 Gaming Guide cover  
The year is 1954 and Las Vegas is just beginning to awaken to the age of nuclear testing and the growth of the casino industry. Many new gambling establishments are emerging, some located downtown on Fremont Street but primarily on the rapidly expanding Strip. Most of these establishments operate under the pretense of legit businesses but in reality they are owned and operated under the tight control of the Chicago outfit who will make millions perfecting the “$ skim” which will eventually wind up in secure numbered Swiss Bank accounts. Between 1954 and 1958 the Sahara, Showboat, Rivera, Hacienda, Tropicana, Stardust, Dunes, Moulin Rouge and Mint Casinos open, just to name a few. The growth of Las Vegas is phenomenal, as commerce, visitors and gaming expansion is exploding, as is the population, which will grow from 28,000 in 1954 to over 85,000 by the end of the decade. As a young boy of 4 years old I am mesmerized by the bright lights, hustle bustle and opportunity to sit on the laps of some of the biggest stars in Hollywood by the pool at the Dunes and just roll around in the bags of silver dollars in the Westerner cashiers cage.